At the Show

  • Collect entry (class) cards from the Pavilion at the Showfield on Friday 6pm-9pm (you can take up to 10pm to stage the exhibits) or Saturday 7am-9am
  • Find the class number on the tables in one of the two marquees – Horticultural (on the left) and Handicraft & Children’s (on the right)
  • Place your exhibit on the table with your entry card face down, so that only the class and exhibitor number on the back are showing
  • Judging takes place from 9 am on the Saturday – so make sure your entry is in on time
  • Come and enjoy the Show – the Saturday opening hours are 11.30 am until 5.30 pm and Sunday 10.00 am to 5pm approximately.  The entry fee is £8.00 if paid in advance or £10.00 on the gate but children under 17 who are accompanied are free.  We also have a two day ticket for £12.00 in advance and £15.00 on the gate.  Members of the Society have free entry to the Show (you should apply at least one week in advance or by asking when you bring your entry forms in on the Monday or Tuesday at the Show Field).
  • If you are lucky enough to have won 1st, 2nd or 3rd you can collect the prize money on Sunday 2.30pm-5.00pm from the Pavilion
  • If you’ve won a cup we would usually have a Trophy Presentation at 5pm on SUNDAY
  • Please note that Exhibits must not be removed before 5pm on Sunday. (Any perishable items not claimed by 6.00pm will be disposed of at the AUCTION which is held at the end of the Show.)  We will retain photographs for a few days should you be unable to return to the Show Field on the Sunday evening.